Test Scenario: Behavior-Driven Development

Effective communication and collaboration among developers, testers, and stakeholders is a key requirement in the process of software development and testing. One method that can help meet this demand is through BDD. 

BDD is an agile software development methodology. It encourages collaboration among cross-functional teams. This includes engineers and business analysts. The goal is to ensure everyone has a shared understanding of the system. BDD focuses on how the system should behave. It helps align the development process with business objectives.

Test Scenario Behavior-Driven Development

The expected behavior of a system is defined in a straightforward, non-technical manner using BDD. “Test scenarios” become important at this point. Test scenarios are developed in BDD to explain system behavior from the viewpoint of the end user. Instead of the feature’s technical specifics, the emphasis is on the value it offers. These scenarios serve as a communication tool between different teams. They also form the foundation for automated tests. This helps ensure that the system meets user expectations while allowing for effective collaboration and testing across teams.

Comprehending Behavior-Driven Development, or BDD

The well-liked method of behavior-driven development (BDD) concentrates on how the user will act after utilizing your application. It helps developers stay focused on the user’s needs. BDD prevents bloat, excessive code, and unnecessary features. It encourages developers to prioritize the behaviors that matter most. This approach ensures that only essential features are added, keeping the application simple and effective. The techniques employed in acceptance testing and test-driven development (TDD) are combined, enhanced, and improved by this methodology.

Stakeholders may easily grasp these situations because they are frequently expressed in a language called Gherkin. This procedure is made easier by BDD tools like Cucumber, which convert plain English situations into executable code. BDD improves software quality and reduces rework. It also fosters a shared understanding among project stakeholders. This is achieved by aligning development activities with expected behaviors. Additionally, the BDD automated test ensures consistent results. 

BDD emphasizes collaboration, dialogue, and understanding among people. The primary focus of BDD is on how software behaves as seen by the user. For the creation of test scenarios, BDD follows the format of certain syntax with “Given, When, Then”:

  1. Given: The initial situation or environment prior to the action being taken
  2. When: The event or action that takes place
  3. Then: The anticipated result upon the completion of the action

The simple syntax makes comprehension clear for everyone involved. By concentrating on the behavior of the system, BDD makes guarantees that development satisfies user and business requirements. 

The Role of Test Scenarios in BDD

In BDD, test scenarios play a crucial role in connecting technical implementation with business needs. These scenarios describe how a user interacts with the system. They also outline what the system should do in response. BDD test scenarios are more comprehensive than typical test cases, which concentrate on testing certain features or procedures. They aid in making sure that, from the standpoint of the user, the system operates as intended.

The Role of Test Scenarios in BDD

Natural language is used to write the BDD test scenarios and both technical and non-technical stakeholders can grasp it easily. The wording is straightforward to understand. As a result, everyone can easily follow the test cases. By offering clear and common knowledge of the software’s expected behavior, these scenarios act as living documentation. Find valuable tips and strategies in our article about Exploratory Testing with AI.

Benefits of Using Test Scenarios in BDD

Using test scenarios in BDD offers several key benefits. These include:

  1. Interaction and Cooperation: Business analysts, product owners, developers, and testers are encouraged to work together and communicate clearly by BDD. It guarantees everyone’s participation in the process. Test cases are written in simple, human-readable language. This approach helps all team members understand the system’s behavior.
  2. Better Test Coverage: To make sure the product lives up to user expectations, test scenarios are designed from the viewpoint of the user. Consequently, BDD enhances overall test coverage by identifying edge cases that conventional test cases could overlook.
  3. Living Documentation: BDD test scenarios act as living documentation, recording the system’s planned behavior as well as the tests’ actual execution. Since this documentation is automatically updated whenever the test scenarios or code changes, it is always current.
  4. Quicker Delivery and Feedback: BDD promotes the usage of automated tests, which may be executed often throughout the development process. This allows feedback on the software’s behavior to be received faster. It speeds up iterations and improves software quality. Quick feedback loops help identify issues early and refine the software effectively. This process ensures high-quality results in less time.
  5. Business and Technical Alignment: BDD helps align technical implementation with business needs. It does this by creating test scenarios in simple, understandable language. Both technical and business stakeholders can easily comprehend these scenarios. This approach reduces the risk of miscommunication or mismatches. It ensures the development team’s work aligns closely with the business’s requirements.

Writing Effective Test Scenarios for BDD

Writing Effective Test Scenarios for BDD

Creating successful test scenarios is essential to BDD’s success. Here are some best practices to adhere to in order to guarantee that test scenarios are valuable and meaningful:

1. Start with User Stories

In BDD, test scenarios are commonly based on the user story. A feature or capability is explained from the viewpoint of the end user in a user story. It emphasizes their objectives and needs. The standard format is as follows: I wish to [activity] as a [role], so that [benefit].

The user story for an online commerce platform might resemble this:
I want to put things in my shopping basket as a customer. This allows me to keep them for later.

The user story helps in creating test scenarios for the system. These scenarios show how the system should respond. They focus on specific user interactions with the application. We have also covered LambdaTest Deep Dive on our website.

2. Follow the Given-When-Then Format

Writing test scenarios is made organized and readable with the help of the “Given-When-Then” pattern. Every scenario should specify the starting point (Given), the user’s action (When), and the anticipated result (Then).

A test scenario for the shopping cart feature could resemble this, for instance:

  • Given the customer is logged in and on the product page,
  • When the customer adds to their shopping cart, 
  • Then, the item should show up there with the accurate price and quantity.

3. Keep It Simple and Clear

Both technical and non-technical stakeholders should be able to easily comprehend and comprehend test situations. Use plain and natural language to explain them. Avoid technical jargon or overly complex terms. Simplicity ensures everyone involved can follow the test cases easily. This approach promotes better collaboration and minimizes confusion. Everyone working on the development process should be able to read and comprehend the scenarios.

4. Include Edge Cases

Although BDD promotes concentrating on the most prevalent use cases, edge cases or uncommon situations should also be taken into account. A range of conditions should be included in test scenarios to make sure the system operates as intended in various situations.

In the case of the shopping cart, for instance, an edge case could be:

  1. Given the shopping cart is empty,
  2. When the customer tries to check out,
  3. Then the system should display a message indicating that the cart is empty.

5. Ensure Test Scenarios are Independent

Every test scenario ought to be autonomous, which means it should not be dependent on other test scenarios to be carried out. As a result, individual tests may be carried out and maintained more easily without affecting other tests. Find valuable tips and strategies in our article about Best Tablets with Keyboard and Pen.

6. Keep Test Scenarios Maintainable

Test scenarios ought to be created with ease of maintenance and updating in mind. This entails avoiding values that are hard-coded or particular implementation details that could alter over time. Pay more attention to how the system behaves than how it is implemented technically.

Automating Test Scenarios in BDD

Automating Test Scenarios in BDD

The executable nature of BDD test scenarios, which allows for automation using testing frameworks, is one of its main benefits. Cucumber, SpecFlow, and Behat are examples of tools that let teams create plain-language test scenarios and have them run automatically against the program.

In order to define the test scenarios in an understandable, organized manner, these frameworks usually employ the Gherkin syntax. For instance, a test case may be defined as follows using Cucumber and Gherkin:

Feature: Shopping Cart
: Adding a product to the shopping cart    Given the customer is logged in and on the product page    When the customer adds a product to the shopping cart    Then, the product should appear in the shopping cart with the correct quantity and price

Automating test scenarios in BDD ensures consistent test execution throughout the process. It helps identify regressions early during development. Integrating these automated tests into the CI/CD workflow provides continuous feedback on system behavior. 

To boost your automation testing, you can use a cloud-based platform like LambdaTest, an AI-powered test execution platform that enables you to run both manual and automated tests at scale across 3000+ browser and OS combinations. This platform also offers AI testing tools like KaneAI, which can enhance your manual testing efficiency. KaneAI helps you generate, create, and deploy test cases, providing the necessary code to run automation tests afterward.


The overall aim of behavior-driven development (BDD) is to develop software for the targeted users. It ensures the development process aligns with user expectations. In BDD, test scenarios bridge technical work and business goals. This approach promotes collaboration among teams and ensures the software functions as expected. Teams may ensure thorough test coverage, quicker feedback, and higher-quality software by creating test scenarios in plain, natural language and automating them.

Automating BDD test scenarios is an effective technique to increase software development process efficiency and produce high-quality products that satisfy user expectations, regardless of whether you’re using tools like Cucumber, SpecFlow, or Behat. You can visit influencergonewild for more trending posts.

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